Every person deserves to be safe, free of physical and emotional violence.

  • Domestic Violence (DV)

    The use of physical force, sexual assault, emotional violence, and/or other abusive behavior that is part of a systematic pattern to exert power and control over another within the home.

  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

    A form of domestic violence that takes place between partners in a romantic relationship.

Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence can result in physical injury and psychological trauma.

Physical and sexual violence are the most apparent forms of domestic violence. However, there are other abusive behaviors that are sometimes less apparent that make up a larger system of DV.

System of Power & Control

Violent incidents can be accompanied by other types of abuse, making up an overall pattern of power and control in a relationship over time.

Even if the behaviors are identified, there are various reasons a person may have limited options to break the cycle of abuse.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that physiological and safety needs are basic needs for human survival. Physiological needs, such as food and warmth, and safety needs, such as physical protection and financial security, must be fulfilled in order for a person to eventually grow and reach their full potential.

Under conditions where basic needs cannot be met, a person may have limited options for escaping an abusive environment.

If a person has the abilities and resources to satisfy these basic needs independently, their threat to survival decreases and opportunity to live a happy and fulfilled life increases.

Indepower’s mission is to empower independence in survivors.